Andrew Nadar: Revolutionizing education to create better citizens for future

Education forms the foundation of life and an extraordinary educator is capable of shaping minds to form a rock-solid foundation, enabling students to reach great heights of success.
Noted academician from the city Andrew Nadar is a changemaker in every sense of the word and in more ways than one. Besides being an academician, he is an author, chartered accountant, researcher and a public speaker who has helped shape the future of thousands of students. As the director of one of the city’s leading education institutes for commerce students, he has been the changemaker for thousands of students, imparting knowledge year after year to achieve record breaking results. As an academician par excellence, Andrew has played a significant role in nurturing young minds, most often going out of his way to help them achieve their goals.
Besides being a CA, Andrew holds a number of degrees such as CS, M. Com, MFC, MBA (Banking and Finance), PGDBM, MA (Economics), B.Sc. (Psy.), M.Phil. (Finance). He has even authored two books and is often invited as a guest faculty at leading academic institutes all over the country. “I have the privilege of providing value-based education to shape the minds of Class XI and XII students. I believe that teaching is a lifelong learning experience, hence I keep myself updated with information. I feel the primary goal of an educator is a healthy exchange of knowledge,” said Andrew.
“In today’s highly competitive world, an innovative approach in the teaching-learning methodology will equip students to develop much-needed insights to make them competent. The reasoning abilities of the students need to be ignited so that they are made to think with a solution-centered approach,” shares Andrew. Keeping this in mind, Andrew adopts a teaching methodology that enables students to become prospective rank-holders in particular and brilliant citizens in general. The pedagogical techniques employed by him display a unique skill where a dash of humour and anecdotes are included effortlessly to make the entire teaching session interesting and captivating. Apart from textbook learning, Andrew’s students gain valuable knowledge with a strong sense of moral codes, value-system and ethics. “For me, education is much more than just qualifications. It is moral values and a deep sense of ethics that gives you an edge to reach the top-most position in the ladder towards success,” says Andrew.
Andrew, who believes in contributing to help the lesser privileged sections of society, is also a part of many social initiatives. He is currently serving as the President of YMCA, Surat. He is also involved in other philanthropic work for charitable institutes.
For any guidance, students and parents can reach to Andrew Nadar on Email: [email protected]